This woman wants to become largest woman in the world #48

I won’t stop until I’m too fat to move’

Morbidly obese model who dreams of weighing 1000lb eats 8,000 calories a day – and loves being fed through a FUNNEL by her boyfriend.

An obese model who is paid by men to eat wants to pile on a further 300lbs (21 stone) to become the world’s fattest woman and be completely immobile.

Monica Riley, 27, from Fort Worth, Texas, already tips the scales at 700lb (50 stone) but dreams of being too tat to move and is working towards hitting 1,000lb so that she feels like a ‘queen’.

Monica Riley consumes 8,000 calories a day in her quest to become the world’s fattest woman








The 27-year-old is helped in her goal by boyfriend Sid, who spends his days cooking for her

Sid will also feed Monica a weight gain shake lavished with double cream and milk which totals 3,500 calories alone











Monica already struggles to get around but dreams of being completely immobile one day











One of the things Monica says she is looking forward to is getting a bed with a built in toilet which Sid will have to empty


















Monica makes a living by modeling for websites showing larger women and gets paid by ‘feeder men’ to eat for them











Monica gets paid by men online to send photos and videos of her eating, with boyfriend Sid photographing her

She has thousands of followers on her online accounts, which are filled with photos of her showing off her size 38 figure








Monica often wears racy lingerie in the photos she posts online

A previous boyfriend had encouraged her to lose weight and she was booked in for surgery before deciding to embrace her figure

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